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:: Punarnavaa - Hogweed ::

Benefits of Punarnavaa (Hogweed) ::

Sanskrit name - Punarnavaa
Scientific name - Boerhavia diffusa

Punarnavaa, also known as Hog weed or Pig weed, is a creeping perennial plant. It is pungent and bitter in nature. It is a medicinal plant used in Ayurveda for treating ailments in the body.The whole plant has curative properties.

Punarnavaa is useful in stomach disorders, obesity and improves digestion. Its leaves are used in diet and is usually recommended for pregnant women to prevent edema. It breaks hard stool and hence useful in constipation. Punarnavaa is also used for curing artificial poisoning.

Ayusante Life - The Ayurvedic Way of Life.

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:: Lokesh G ::
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